Easily embed a video into an article with some simple code

Website Publishing Guide


To embed a YouTube Video with the following share URL https://youtu.be/-7GiZzniGVk

Or if your YouTube share link is long like this https://www.youtube.com/live/-7GiZzniGVk?feature=share

Just type the following in your article (no spaces)

YouTube embed code

It's usually best that the video is full-width so just ensure the code is placed on it's own line


To embed a Video from the Vimeo platform with the following share URL https://vimeo.com/450589529

Just type the following in your article (no spaces)

vimeo example 1

Sometimes a Vimeo link will be in two parts with an extra forward slash like this  https://vimeo.com/752320015/2d15dd94c7

The extra forward slash needs to be replaced with the three characters ?h= so it looks like this...

vimeo example 2-part

It's usually best that the video is full-width so just ensure the code is placed on it's own line

IMPORTANT! If the website sends articles out to an email list the following extra steps are recommended

This is because you cannot embed a video directly within an email.  The solution is to create a still jpg that is displayed in the email but when the recipient clicks on the article it loads the embedded video on their browser.

Here are the steps...

Creating a jpg still

Take a screenshot of the video. In Windows this can be done using the following three keys - Windows, Shift and the letter ‘S’.

Save the screenshot, name it appropriately and ensure it is saved 580 pixels wide.

Insert that image with the text in the article in the usual way.

Scroll to the bottom of the article and place the cursor on the new blank line

Click the Read More icon read more

Copy all of the content above the read more link and paste a duplicate below the read more link

Remove the still image of the video and replace it with the embed code e.g. 

YouTube embed code

Tip: You might want to place the embed code on it's own row (and not within a two column layout - to make the video full width

Now click the Options tab Options tab
Set the Intro Text to hide Intro text - hide

What does this do?

This hides the text above the Read More link when viewing the complete article (so it is not duplicated).  And it ensures that just the text (with still image) above the read more link is sent in the mailing list (without the embed code)

For a final touch select the still image of the video

and create a link to the article using Insert Link Insert link

(You will only be able to do this after saving the article)