Always make sure it opens in a new window

Website Publishing Guide

Linking to an external website

1. Type the text for your button - e.g. School Website or

2. Select that text and click the Insert Link icon Insert Link

A pop up will include the URL and Text fields

link url text

3. URL = enter the actual full address of the link  (starts with http...)

4. Text = This is the text you wish to display in the button

At the foot of your pop up you should see the following:

target not set

Notice the Target is --Not Set--

5. You need to change this Open in new window

target open in new window

6. Now click the Advanced tab Advanced tab

In the Classes field type btn then Enter followed by btn-primary and Enter again. It should look like this:

classes btn btn-primary

7. Then click the Insert button Insert
Tip: Remember to click  save  to save your article and check your button works