The Challenge was approached to build a new website after the Bishop of Cork + Ross implemented the organisation of parishes into sixteen distinct 'Families of Parishes'. The aim was to serve the three parishes of Ballyphehane, The Lough and Togher on one website.
The Solution
Family of Parishes - Ballyphehane | The Lough | Togher
The parishes of Togher and Ballyphehane had two separate websites that were very out of date and The Lough had no website at all.
The domain was registered and the website was launched with the initial aim of publishing notices from the three parishes.
Previous domains point to the new domain 'teaching' the search engines to update their search indexes.
The website now includes the following features to serve the parishioners at Ballyphehane, The Lough and Togher:
- Publication of notices for the three parishes
- Bible readings for today and next Sunday
- The bidding prayers for Sunday Mass from the diocese
- A weekly reflection on Sunday's Gospel
- A place for stories and interesting historical articles
- A simple section about the seven sacraments with illustrations from local children
- A place to Meditate, Reflect and Contemplate
- A section introducing the three parishes with Mass times and options to give donations safely online
- An introduction to the priests ministering to the Family of Parishes
Take a look at the finished website here at