The Challenge
In the summer of 2021 Bishop Fintan Gavin introduced and implemented the reorganisation of parishes into 'Families of Parishes'. One of the purposes was for groups of parishes to work together as team sharing resources. Fr Myles McSweeney (Schull Parish) approached to explore options for a new website to serve the newly formed Family of Parishes. This included the parishes at the southwest tip of the diocese namely Bantry, Caheragh, Goleen, Muintir Bháire and Schull
The Solution
Family of Parishes - Bantry | Caheragh | Goleen | Muintir Bháire | Schull
So after choosing the appropriate domain name the website journey began on journey of constant development.
Currently it includes the following features to serve the five parishes of Bantry, Caheragh, Goleen, Muintir Bháire and Schull.
- An explanatory map of the Family of Parishes
- Publication of notices for the five parishes
- A feed of the latest five featured articles from the Diocese of Cork + Ross
- The facility to send any notices with upload or images or pdfs
- A place to Reflect, Meditate, and Contemplate
- Bible readings for today and next Sunday
- A section introducing the parishes with Mass times and options to give donations safely online
- An introduction to the priests ministering to this Family of Parishes
The parish administrator has been provided with training and continues to receive on-going support in managing to publish notices.
Take a look at the current website at